Rules to Solitaire Games - 'P'

  1. Pagat
  2. Pairs
  3. Palace
  4. Pantagruel
  5. Panther Creek
  6. Parallels
  7. Parisienne
  8. Parliament
  9. Parterre
  10. Pas de Deux
  11. Passengers
  12. Pas Seul
  13. Patience's Reward
  14. Patient Pairs
  15. Patriarchs
  16. Peacock
  17. Peacock Tail
  18. Peanuts
  19. Peek
  20. Peek II
  21. Pegged
  22. Peg Solitaire English Board
  23. Peg Star Solitaire
  24. Pelmanism
  25. Penelope's Web
  26. Penguin
  27. Penguin Solitaire
  28. Penquin
  29. Penta
  30. Peony
  31. Peppy
  32. Perpetual Motion
  33. Perseverance
  34. Persian Carpet
  35. Persian Patience
  36. Phalanx
  37. Phantom Blockade
  38. Pharaoh
  39. Pharaohs
  40. Pharaoh's Grave
  41. Phoenix
  42. Picture Gallery
  43. Picture Gallery II
  44. Picture Patience
  45. Pigtail
  46. PileOn
  47. Pilferers
  48. Pishe Pasha
  49. Pitchfork
  50. Plait
  51. Playback
  52. Point Sable
  53. Poker Checkerboard
  54. Poker Columns
  55. Poker Elimination
  56. Poker Holdem
  57. Poker Puzzle
  58. Poker Shuffle
  59. Poker Slide
  60. Poker Solitaire
  61. Poker Square
  62. Poker Squares
  63. Poker Yacht
  64. Polish Patience
  65. Ponytail
  66. Portuguese Solitaire
  67. Precedence
  68. Preference
  69. President's Cabinet
  70. Primrose
  71. Prince Serg
  72. Princess Patience
  73. Prison
  74. Prisoner
  75. Prisoners
  76. Private Lane
  77. Privileged Four
  78. Propeller
  79. Provisional
  80. Pulsar
  81. Pumpkin
  82. Push-Pin
  83. Push and Pull
  84. Push Pin
  85. Puss in Corner
  86. Puss in the Corner
  87. Put-Them-In-Order (3x3 square) Puzzle
  88. Put-Them-In-Order (4x4 square) Puzzle
  89. Put-Them-In-Order (5x5 square) Puzzle
  90. Put Them in Order (3x3)
  91. Put Them in Order (4x4)
  92. Put Them in Order (5x5)
  93. Putt Putt
  94. Pyramid
  95. Pyramid 2
  96. Pyramid 3
  97. Pyramid by Seven
  98. Pyramid Dozen
  99. Pyramid (Easy Couple)
  100. Pyramid Golf
  101. Pyramid II
  102. Pyramid Seven
  103. Pyramid Solitaire
  104. Pyramid's Stones
  105. Pyramid Thieves
  106. Pyramid Two Decks
  107. Pythagor