Rules to Solitaire Games - 'G'

  1. Gallery
  2. Galloway
  3. Game of Five
  4. Gaps
  5. Gaps Solitaire
  6. Garden of Eden
  7. Gargantua
  8. Gate
  9. Gateway
  10. Gay Gordons
  11. Gemini
  12. General's Patience
  13. General's Retreat
  14. Geoffrey
  15. Germaine
  16. Germaine 2-Move
  17. German Cross
  18. German FreeCell
  19. German Patience
  20. German Patience Three Decks
  21. Giant
  22. Giant II
  23. Gigantic Spider
  24. Gilbert
  25. Giza
  26. Glencoe
  27. Gloucestershire
  28. Gnat
  29. Goldfield
  30. Gold Mine
  31. Gold Rush
  32. Golf
  33. Golf A-K
  34. Golf A-K Two Decks
  35. Golf Pyramids
  36. Golf Rush
  37. Golf Solitaire
  38. Good Measure
  39. Good Measure Two Decks
  40. Good Queen Bess
  41. Good Times
  42. Gotham
  43. Gothic Castle
  44. Gradations
  45. Granada
  46. Grand Duchess
  47. Grandfather
  48. Grandfather's Clock
  49. Grandfather's Patience
  50. Grandmamma's Patience
  51. Grandma's Game
  52. Grandmather
  53. Grandmother's
  54. Grandmother's Game
  55. Grandmother's Patience
  56. Granny's Patience
  57. Grant's Reinforcement
  58. Grasshopper
  59. Greater Wheel
  60. Great Triangle
  61. Great Wall
  62. Great Wheel
  63. Griffon
  64. Grounds for a Divorce
  65. Grounds for Divorce
  66. Guard of Honour
  67. Guards Collar
  68. Gypsy