Follow Solitaire Central on Twitter

TwitterSolitaire Central is now offering a Twitter feed. This allows you to keep up with the latest happenings both at Solitaire Central, as well as on the larger world of solitaire gaming in general.

The types of messages that we'll be posting at Twitter include:

  • Site news
  • New solitaire card game release announcements
  • Solitaire game specials and deals
  • Solitaire game industry news
  • Links to solitaire gaming sites of interest

This is similar to the content of our news blog, except in a shorter, more concise, and more frequent version.

Our Twitter feed is, of course, free, as is the Twitter service itself, and you can choose to read Twitter posts on the web, or on your smartphone.

Follow Solitaire Central on Twitter
Follow Solitaire Central on Twitter

See also: Follow Solitaire Central on Facebook, Solitaire Central RSS Feeds

Last Update: March 28th, 2012